The Mystery of Suffering

By an Anonymous Coptic Orthodox Christian When we contemplate our relationship with God or Christianity in general, we often tend to focus on the blessings we receive when we believe in and follow our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We think about the peace, love, joy, heavenly glory, and all the other truths of faith... Continue Reading →

What ought we to do?

By Paul Hanna, Epsaltos at St. Mary & St. Mina Coptic Orthodox Church, Bexley, Australia. The quickest way to become frustrated with the Church is to judge it against our expectations. This judgement immediately brings to light the many flaws in our communities. It is a brief step from this to questioning the Holiness of... Continue Reading →

Why does God allow Pain and Suffering?

By Fr. Anthony Mourad – Parish Priest from St. George & St. Anthony Coptic Orthodox Church, Ottawa, Canada. Today my beloved we discuss a question that plagues many Christians and non-Christians alike. If we truly believe in an all powerful, all knowing, and all-loving God, then Why does He allow pain and suffering? First let... Continue Reading →

Purity of Heart

By Father Matthew the Poor (Matta El-Meskeen). “Cleanse me from my sin” (Ps 31:2). “And everyone who thus hopes in him, purifies himself as he is pure” (1 Jn 3:3) THE SOUL THAT HAS BEEN AWAKENED to the reality of divine things for the first time always makes a deep, unreserved response to the truth, prompted... Continue Reading →

Carrying the Cross

By H.G. Bishop Serapion - Bishop of Los Angeles and Metropolitan of Southern California and Hawaii. Our Church celebrates two feasts for the Cross. One is on Parmhat 10th (March 19th), which always falls during Great Lent. The other is on Tout 17th (September 27th), which falls at the end of our celebrations of the The Coptic... Continue Reading →

The Gift of Giving

By Fr. Bishoy Kamel of Blessed Memory. With only two weeks before Christmas, there was one lady ‎in the hospital recovering from an illness. She had a large, ‎loving family who visited her regularly and attended to her ‎needs. When she came back from surgery, she awoke to a ‎room full of several cards and bouquets... Continue Reading →

Our Relationship with Christ

by Fr. Matthew the Poor (Matta El-Meskeen). He who was able to reveal this relationship with Christ is St. Paul who says: “For surely you have already heard of the commission of God’s grace that was given me for you, and how the mystery was made known to me by revelation, as I wrote above... Continue Reading →

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